for R&D Services
Are you looking to gain a competitive advantage in the market, improve your existing processes or technologies, and develop new business opportunities with us that involves leveraging unique features of VORTA ?
We have an experienced team of scientists, engineers, CFD and innovation experts who can help you to accelerate your R&D projects.

Partner with us!
By combining VORTA’s clean-tech with R&D services, we can swiftly bring about the innovation inside the companies with an outside-in approach.
Over the years our team has gathered a deep expertise in the fundamental as well as applied
understanding on the different product-market combinations wherein VORTA’s unique design and operating parameters can be tweaked for the customized requirements.
By leveraging VORTA’s unique features combined with our scale-up expertise and resources such as flow modelling techniques with CFD, companies can accelerate their innovation efforts and respond more quickly to changes in the market including any sustainability challenges.

We can also tailor make VORTA to your requirements and can help you in accelerating your R&D journey.
Conduct Trial Runs with VORTA Vouchers
1 year of validity
Consultancy up to 50 hrs
2 VORTA trials at our premises
Maximum 4 Samples
5 % Discount on the Next order
1 year of validity
Consultancy up to 100 hrs
5 VORTA trials at our premises
Maximum 10 Samples
10 % Discount on the Next order
1.5 years of validity
Consultancy up to 120 hrs
15 VORTA trials at our premises
Maximum 25 Samples
15 % Discount on the Next order
VORTA Trials
Conducting Lab Trials with VORTA
- We need 7 liters of sample for the trials.
- All the Analyses at the cost of the customer
- MSDS of the sample is a must to share
- Under very exceptional cases it is also possible to rent the VORTA Lab reactor at your premises